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You're viewing Blood Cheat Codes

Game Name : Blood
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-05-11 22:08:30
Views : 20761

Cheat Codes
While playing a game, press T for the "Talk" feature, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

mpkfa, cap in my ass, or I wanna be like Kevin God mode
voorhees Temporary God mode
no cap in my ass Disable God mode
lara croft or hongkong All weapons and ammo
idaho All weapons and items
montana All items
bunz Allow two of same weapon
satchel All items
clarice 100 % health
spork 200% health
krueger 200% health and on fire
cousteau 200% health and diving suit
griswold 200% armor
calgon, mario, or luigi Level skip
spielberg Level select and cheats disabled
sterno Temporary blindness
onering Invisibility
rate Display framerate
edmark or kevorkian Commit suicide
mcgee Suicide by fire
jojo Drunk mode
funky shoes Higher jumps
keymaster All keys
fork broussard No weapons, 1% health, and drunk
eva galli Toggle clipping mode
goonies Full map

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