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You're viewing Enter the Matrix Cheat Codes

Game Name : Enter the Matrix
System : Xbox
Date Added : 2003-05-18 02:41:51
Views : 17677

Hear Message From Morpheus
Go to the Hacking menu and tyep LOGIN. When that selection appears on the Command List, move over to LOGIN and click it. Login as COWBOYCURTIS or FREEMIND to unlock Morpheus samples. Press the numbers indicated to hear the samples.

Hacking engine tools
In Hacking engine (which is accessed from the title screen), there are a number of directories and tools that can be useful (such as spawning a weapon within The Matrix.).

Command Effect

DIR List files and folders
CLS Clear the screen of text
HELP Extended help for a command
TRACEKILL Kills traces
READ Read *.txt files
VIEW View *.img files
PLAY Play *.fmv files
DROP JXTRR10 Weapon drop at Drainage Canal
DROP PNSRZ10 Weapon drop at North Concourse
DROP RKHMS10 Weapon drop at Airport Tunneld
DROP JDZMT10 Weapon drop at 2nd Floor West (Chateau)
DROP ZKHBD10 Weapon drop at Courtyard (Chateau)
DROP RHFTQ10 Weapon drop at Skyscraper
DROP ZSZQH10 Weapon drop at Warehouse (Chinatown)
DROP JDHQL10 Weapon drop at Transformer Field (power plant)
DROP B1AXXF2 Weapon drop at 2nd Floor PO Boxes

Tools Pass Code
Goto the hacking screen. When you get into a:\ you want to do a dir command. Then goto b:\Tools. Enter 10010 when asked for the five digit passcode.

Cheat Codes
Enter the following codes in the cheat section of the hacking utility.

Attention ! :
To open cheats type: CHEAT.EXE
Before every cheat number, enter: CHEAT

Code - Result:

7F4DF451 - Infinite Health
1DDF2556 - Infinite Ammo
69E5D9E4 - Infinite Focus
FFF0020A - Fast Focus Restore
0034AFFF - Max Firepower
FF00001A - Turbo Mode
FFFFFFF1 - Invisibility
4516DF45 - Enemies Cant Hear You
13D2C77F - Bonus Test Level
D5C55D1E - Multi-player fighting
BB013FFF - Low Gravity
312MF451 - Taxi Driving
7867F443 - Faster logos

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