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You're viewing Kakuto Chojin Cheat Codes

Game Name : Kakuto Chojin
System : Xbox
Date Added : 2002-11-30 00:21:06
Views : 32954

Chojin moveset
Successfully complete the game with any character to unlock their Chojin moveset. These moves have a higher damage potential and are faster than the default moves.

Daeva and Boss stage
Successfully complete the game with all twelve characters and unlock Chojin mode. Note: This cannot be done on the easy difficulty setting. This will unlock Daeva and her Circle Of Fire stage. To select her, move the pointer off the screen on the first row of the character selection screen. Do the same on the stage selection screen to choose the Circle Of Fire stage. Successfully complete the game with Daeva to unlock her Chojin mode. Note: Some characters have different power moves in Chojin mode.

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