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You're viewing Star Trek DS9: The Fallen (Demo) Cheat Codes

Game Name : Star Trek DS9: The Fallen (Demo)
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:47:23
Views : 22656

Cheat :
Skip First Level
Just go into your maps dir and switch the M05_SiskoL1A.dsm & M05_Sisko1B.dsm filenames. Once you've done this filename switch, start the demo, choose New game and it'll load the 2nd level instead of the 1st. There's only 2 levels to the demo so no "skipping to the 3rd level" cheat.

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Star Trek DS9: The Fallen (Demo) Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
Star Trek DS9: The Fallen (Demo) Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch
Star Trek DS9: The Fallen (Demo) Cheats at A Cheat Codes
Star Trek DS9: The Fallen (Demo) Cheat Codes at Game Score

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