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You're viewing Get Medieval Cheat Codes

Game Name : Get Medieval
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-25 00:37:41
Views : 26912

Cheat :
Type in the following codes while playing the game to
activate the following codes.

mpkfa - Enables God mode.
mpbodyguard - No damage.
mphighlander - 99 lives.
mpshoes - 99 souls.
mpthewolf - Lets you jump to next level.
mpbadmofo - Go to previous level.
mpbringthegimp - Go to the boss area.
mppetrol - More health.
mparmorall - More armor.
mpglovebox - Weapon.
mpignition - Keys.
mpturbocharger - Scrolls.
mpironpockets - Prevents thief from stealing from you.
mpbandaid - Health will not bleed away.
mppos - Display coordinates.
mpfps - Display frame rate.
mplockpick: Gives the skull key
mpomar: Gives the fire shield artifact
mptroadrunner: Gives speed boost artifact
mpwinturbo: Gives super scroll artifact
mpbadbreath: Gives Freak artifact
mpmintybeath: Gives Worship artifact

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