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You're viewing Bio Menace Cheat Codes

Game Name : Bio Menace
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-21 03:09:28
Views : 24072

Cheat :
Press [C]+[A]+[T] for the machine gun, 99 ammo, and 99 grenades.

1) Super Plasma Bolt -> Hold the UP arrow for about 2
seconds until you hear the "charge up" noise. Then press the fire
key. You'll take a hitpoint of damage doing this.

2) Fireballs -> Turn left and right in sucession about
6 or 7 times and press the fire key. You'll take a hitpoint of
damage doing this.

3) Shield -> Turn left and right in sucession about 6 or 7 times and
press the jump key. You'll turn a different color, and a shield will
appear around you. This lasts a VERY SHORT amount of time.

4) Invincibility -> Hold the up arrow at least 2 seconds, then press the down
arrow. You will flash and be invincible for a VERY SHORT amountf time.

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