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You're viewing Twisted Metal Cheat Codes

Game Name : Twisted Metal
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2002-06-17 09:45:54
Views : 25071

Cheat :
Unlimited Weapons:
Triangle, Space, Square, Circle, Circle

Square, Triangle, X, Space, Circle

Warehouse district warfare:
Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle

Freeway Free for All:
X, Square, Square, Circle, Triangle

River Park Rumble:
X, Triangle, Square, Circle, Square

Assault on Cyburbia:
X, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle

Rooftop Combat (Final battle):
Square, Triangle, X, Circle, X

Roof Combat #2:
Triangle, X, Circle, Square, Triangle

Fight for your life (secret arena):
Square, Triangle, Circle, Square,Square

Helicopter view:
Circle, Circle, Triangle, X, space. Enter this passcode for a bird's eye view of the first and final levels. During gameplay, press & hold Start & Up or Down to toggle between views.

Press Start + X anytime during gameplay. Press Start + X a second time and the list will disappear again.

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