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You're viewing Neverwinter Nights : Platinum Cheat Codes

Game Name : Neverwinter Nights : Platinum
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2008-03-13 13:54:24
Views : 21409

Spawn Creatures
At any time during play, press ctrl + space and type in CLUAConsole:CreateCreature(''xxxxxx''). Replace the XXXXXX with one of the following to spawn that monster. You can only spawn one monster at a time.
gendao01Spawn Dao.
gendji01Spawn Djinni.
wolfdr01Spawn Dread Wolf.
genefr01Spawn Efreeti.
gncap01Spawn Gnoll Captain.
gneli01Spawn Gnoll Elite.
gnlfli01Spawn Gnoll Flind.
gnsha01Spawn Gnoll Shaman.
gnsla01Spawn Gnoll Slasher.
gnvet01Spawn Gnoll Veteran.
gnlwar01Spawn Gnoll Warrior.
gnoll01Spawn Gnoll.
gendjn01Spawn Noble Djinni.
genefn01Spawn Noble Efreeti.
wolfva01Spawn Vampiric Wolf.
wolfwi01Spawn Winter Wolf.
wolfdiSpawn Wolf.
wolf01Spawn Wolf.
wolfo01Spawn Worg.
wolfzo01Spawn Zombie Wolf.

Cheat Mode
Press ~ to access console
ModCHA #Add specific number to Charisma
ModCON #Add specific number to Constitution
ModDEX #Add specific number to Dexterity
ModINT #Add specific number to Intelligence
ModSTR #Add specific number to Strength
ModWIS #Add specific number to Wisdom
dm_allspells 1Allows the use of every spell in the game. No class restrictions.
dm_modifyage #Change your character's age.
SetAppearance (001-298)Change your character's appearance.
dm_modifysavefortitude #Change your fortitude saving throw.
dm_modifysavereflex #Change your reflex saving throw.
dm_modifysavewill #Change your will saving throw.
DebugMode 0Disables Codes
dm_gettimeDisplay current game time.
fpsDisplay your frames per second.
DebugMode 1Enables Codes
dm_givegold #Enter amount of gold wanted in replace of #
GiveXP #Give a set amount of XP.
GiveXP #Gives that number of XP
dm_levelupGives you just enough XP to gain one level.
dm_godGod mode.
dm_healHeal all damage done to your main character.
hidepartynamesHide your party's names on the sidebar.
dm_cowsfromhellJust try this one, it's great
dm_modifyattackbase #Modify your base to-hit bonus.
dm_modifyspellresistenceModify your spell resistence.
dm_givelevel #Raises your level.
dm_settimeSet current game time.
dm_setraceSet your character's race.
SetCHA #Sets Charisma (9-50).
SetCON #Sets Constitution (9-50).
SetDEX #Sets Dexterity (9-50).
SetINT #Sets Intelligence (9-50).
SetSTR #Sets Strength (9-50).
SetWIS #Sets Wisdom (9-50).
showpartynamesShow your party's names on the sidebar.
dm_mylittleponySpeed Cheat.
GetLevel #Where # is the number of levels you want to increase. Gives you levels.

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