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You're viewing Sega Rally Revo Cheat Codes

Game Name : Sega Rally Revo
System : Xbox 360
Date Added : 2008-03-17 04:36:51
Views : 22234

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Additionally there are five secret achievements, all of which are currently unknown.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
10 Ranked (50 points): Win 10 races in Xbox Live ranked matches.
5 Ranked (30 points): Win 5 races in Xbox Live ranked matches.
Alpine Expert (10 points): Finish first on each of the Alpinetracks in any single player game mode.
Alpine Time Attack (20 points): In Time Attack mode beat the targettimes for all car classes in every Alpine track.
Arctic Expert (10 points): Finish first on each of the Arctictracks in any single player game mode.
Arctic Time Attack (20 points): In Time Attack mode beat the targettimes for all car classes in every Arctic track.
Canyon Expert (10 points): Finish first on each of the Canyontracks in any single player game mode.
Canyon Time Attack (20 points): In Time Attack mode beat the targettimes for all car classes in every Canyon track.
Car Collector (20 points): Earn enough points in the Championshipto unlock all the cars.
Explorer (30 points): Drive a total of 1000 miles (1600 km) inany single player game mode.
Grand Slam (50 points): Finish first in every rally in the Championship.
Head to Head (20 points): Race on all the tracks in head to headmode.
Lakeside Expert (10 points): Finish first on the Lakeside 1 trackin any single player game mode.
Lakeside Time Attack (20 points): In Time Attack mode beat thetarget times for all car classes on the Lakeside 1 Track.
Live Novice (10 points): Complete 10 races on Xbox Live.
Live Veteran (30 points): Complete 100 races on Xbox Live.
Livery Collector (20 points): Drive 50 miles in the first 6 carsin every championship. Single player modes only.
Manual Expert (10 points): Win a Championship rally using manualtransmission.
Masters Amateur (10 points): Earn enough points playing the Championshipto unlock the Masters Amateur League.
Masters Champion (40 points): Finish first in the Masters Finalrally when playing the Championship.
Masters Expert (30 points): Earn enough points playing the Championshipto unlock the Masters Expert League.
Masters Professional (20 points): Earn enough points playing theChampionship to unlock the Masters Professional League.
Modified Amateur (5 points): Earn enough points playing the Championshipto unlock the Modified Amateur League.
Modified Champion (30 points): Finish first in the Modified Finalrally when playing the Championship.
Modified Expert (20 points): Earn enough points playing the Championshipto unlock the Modified Expert League.
Modified Professional (10 points): Earn enough points playingthe Championship to unlock the Modified Professional League.
Off-Road Expert (10 points): Win a Championship rally using theOff-Road setup.
Perfect Score (100 points): Finish first in every race in allrallies in the Championship.
Premier Champion (20 points): Finish first in the Premier Finalrally when playing the Championship.
Premier Expert (10 points): Earn enough points playing the Championshipto unlock the Premier Expert League.
Premier Professional (5 points): Earn enough points playing theChampionship to unlock the Premier Professional League.
Road Expert (10 points): Win a Championship rally using the Roadset-up.
Safari Expert (10 points): Finish first on each of the Safaritracks in any single player game mode.
Safari Time Attack (20 points): In Time Attack mode beat the targettimes for all car classes in every Safari track.
Social Hoster (30 points): Complete 100 races on Xbox Live asa Host.
Tourist (10 points): Drive a total of 300 miles (480 km) in anysingle player game mode.
Trekker (20 points): Drive a total of 500 miles (800 km) in anysingle player game mode.
Tropical Expert (10 points): Finish first on each of the Tropicaltracks in any single player game mode.
Tropical Time Attack (20 points): In Time Attack mode beat thetarget times for all car classes in every Tropical track.

Game Unlockables
Unlockable races and cars...
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Expert racesGet 130 points in any class.
Final raceGet 275 points in any class.
Icelandic racerGet 200 points in Masters races.
Mini Cooper S RallyWin the Premier final.
Pikes Peak racerWin the Modified final.
Pro racesGet 80 points in Amateur races.

Lake Side track
Reach the Final Master Series. Then, enter the Sega Rally Final. The Lake Side track is the last course in the four races. It will now also be unlocked in Quick Race and Time Attack modes.

New liveries
Any car you can play in Quick Race from beginning can get two new liveries (maximum total of three). The first is unlocked after driving 20 miles (32 km) with the same car. The second livery is achieved after driving 50 miles (81 km) with the same car.

Fast start
Press [Accelerate] about halfway down. As soon as you get grip and the car lunges forward, press it down all the way. This will help you to not get stuck, even if you start in deep snow or deep sand.

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