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You're viewing Gundam Battle Chronicle Cheat Codes

Game Name : Gundam Battle Chronicle
System : PSP
Date Added : 2007-09-24 20:14:21
Views : 26266

Terrain Restriction
Complete EFSF(0079),Zeon,EFSF(0083),Delaz Fleet,AEUG,Titans,Axis

All MS Points+ 20000
Stat Limiter unlocked+ Gundam Battle Tactics Game Save

AXIS faction storyline
Complete the EFSF(0079),Zeon,EFSF(0083),Delaz Fleet,AEUG,Titans factions

Pilot Restriction
Complete EFSF(0079),Zeon,EFSF(0083),Delaz Fleet,AEUG,Titans,Axis

Era Restriction
Complete EFSF(0079),Zeon,EFSF(0083),Delaz Fleet,AEUG,Titans,Axis

Extra MS Points at the start
Have a gundam battle tactics and gundam battle royale game save on your memory stick.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
200 MS PointsGundam Battle Royale Game Save
300 MS PointsGundam Battle Tactics Game Save

Mobile Suits for Zeon
Complete the missions on the Zeon faction.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Gelgogg CannonUse MS-14A and Zaku Cannon for 5 missions each
MS-05 [3S]Use the MS-05 for 5 missions
MS-05[RR]Use MS-07B for 5 missions
MS-06R1AUse MS-05[3S] for 5 missions
MS-14SUse MS-14A for 5 missions
Perfect ZeongUse Zeong for 5 missions

No Time Limit
Complete the EFSF(0079),Zeon,EFSF(0083), Delaz Fleet, AEUG and Titan faction missions

Stat Limiter
Get either S or SS ranks in all 7 Faction Storyline Missions

NT Limit
Complete the extra mission, Earth in my Hand

MS Limits Zeroed
Complete everything 100%

Space Use
Complete the mission, Free from Gravity

Extra 100 Points To All MS
Finish all the tutorials. After that, you will receive a 100 point bonus for all MS.

Non Space Use
Complete the mission, Free from Gravity

NT Limit
Complete the extra mission, Earth in my Hand

Capture Mode
Complete All the Faction storylines.

Recover all destroyed enemy MS
Complete all the original factions except Axis

Non NT Limit
Complete the extra mission, Earth in my Hand

Mobile Suits
Complete the following missions.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
BallHas to be the 2nd Military Ranking or higher and Complete Lightning in the Wilderness mission
FA GundamAchieve an S rank in Light from the Universe mission
GM Blue DestinyUse Gundam G 10x or more or get S rank in Fate on the Atlantic Ocean mission
GM CommandComplete Twilight Islands or Belfast in the Rain
GM Command [S]Complete Tragedy in Jaburo
GM Sniper IIComplete Ramba Ral's Attack, Black Tri-Star or Fate on the Atlantic Ocean
GM Sniper II [WD]Use GM [WD] and GM Sniper II 5x each
GM [WD]Complete Twilight Islands or Belfast in the Rain
GuncannonComplete Ramba Ral's Attack, Black Tri-Star or Fate on the Atlantic Ocean
GundamHas to be the 3rd Military Ranking or higher and Complete Lightning in the Wilderness mission
Gundam Blue Destiny Unit 3Use GM Blue Destiny 10x, or achieve an S rank in The Judge mission
Gundam Ez-8Achieve the S rank in mission, The Last Resort
Gundam GComplete Lightning in the Wilderness
Gundam NT-1 AlexUse Gundam 10x and complete Tragedy in Jaburo
Gundam [G] with GM headAchieve the A rank in mission, The Last Resort
Gundam [MC]Complete all missions from 0079 EFSF
GuntankComplete Ramba Ral's Attack, Black Tri-Star or Fate on the Atlantic Ocean
Prototype GundamAchieve an S rank in The New-Types's Threat mission
RX-78-6 MudrockAchieve an S rank in Tragedy in Jaburo, or use Gundam and Guncannon 10x each

All MS Points+ 10000
Stat Limiter unlocked+ Gundam Battle Royal Game Save

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