Code: | Result: |
irolltwenties | 20 in every statistic. |
rs kr_influence | A simple influence editor, in the form of a dialogue. |
givefeat <2-500> | Add indicated feat to selected character |
rs ga_time_advance(Hours,Minutes,Seconds,Milliseconds) | Advance in time |
resetlevels | Delevel you if your experience points is near to 0. |
dm_givegold <number> (Right click on a character first to give gold to that player) | Gain indicated amount of gold |
givespell # | Gives a spell identified by it's id number to the character. |
givexp # | Gives the desired amount of XP to your character. |
dm_god | Godmode. Unsure if it actually works, but it does not return an error message. |
commands | List all commands. |
Set Appearance # | Makes your character have the appearance of the # in the res ref table of the 2da appearance file...*Note this is just appearance* |
rs kr_roster_edit | Opens a debug dialogue with an option to open the party roster to switch party members in and out at any time (use with caution). |
rs ga_influence (x,y) | Raises influence level for that companion. |
rs ga_party_limit(6) | Raises the amount of party members you may have at once to 6. Default is 3 in Act 1 and 4 in Acts 2 and 3. |
unpolymorph | Returns your controlled character to normal. |
SetCHA # | Set charisma to given number. |
SetCON # | Set constitution to given number. |
SetDEX # | Set dexterity to given number. |
SetSTR # | Set strength to given number. |
SetWIS # | Set wisdom to given number. |
giveitem <item code> | Spawn indicated item |
rs ga_alignment(-1,1) | to move one point towards Chaos |
rs ga_alignment(-1,0) | to move one point towards evil |
rs ga_alignment(1,0) | to move one point towards good |
rs ga_alignment(1,1) | to move one point towards Law |
polymorph # | Turns your controlled character into a different creature. |