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You're viewing Melty Blood : Re-ACT Cheat Codes

Game Name : Melty Blood : Re-ACT
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2007-04-11 22:11:05
Views : 21499

White Len and Aoko
Defeat Aoko with all default characters and complete each of the eight storylines in story mode.

Alternate stage backgrounds
Do not use any continues while playing in arcade mode. You will fight Aozaki Aoko after defeating Shiroi Len . Defeat her to unlock the background that you fought her on in versus and training modes.

Giant Attack mode
Successfully complete arcade mode. Then highlight the "Arcade Mode" option at the main menu, hold [Shield] and select "Confirm". The character selection screen's background will turn blue to confirm correct code entry. Select a character to battle a giant version of Shiki's stepsister for a random number of rounds.

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