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You're viewing Final Fantasy Cheat Codes

Game Name : Final Fantasy
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2005-09-24 13:13:56
Views : 24063

Original mode:
Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Original Mode" option, which allows the NES version of the game to be played.

Dragon Warrior reference:
Find the three tombs located next to the white magic shop in Elfland. The tombstone farthest to the left reads:

"Here lies Erdrick"

This is a direct reference to a character in the game Dragon Warrior.

Level up White Mages:
In Astos' Castle, the northwest castle, is a room with three treasure chests with Undeads guarding them. The two upper ones are Mummies. Use two Harm spells to wipe them out to get 150 to 300 experience, and 600 to 1200 experience for using just two spells. This is most useful immediately after getting the key from the elf prince.

Adamant location:
The location of the Adamant needed for Excalibur is in the tower in the sky -- you need the chime and the cube. Go in the tower and continue to the place with eight ways to travel. Go in the bottom left diagonal and fight the enemy that guards it. Open the treasure chest to get the Adamant.

Strong Monk:
If you use a Monk in your party, do not equip him with any weapons. His attacks will be much stronger when using his own fists.

Easy experience:
Northeast of the port town of Provaka is a two space wide peninsula with enemies from the Northern Continent. They offer a lot experience and are difficult to defeat unless you are around levels 12 or 13.

Inside of the Ice cave (the one with the floater) is an Eye protecting a chest (with the floater in it). The Eye is worth 800 experience and dies in one or two hits.

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