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You're viewing Ragnarok Online Cheat Codes

Game Name : Ragnarok Online
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-09-23 08:50:32
Views : 33448

Easy Stun
Be a Swordman, and get Bash at level 10. Get Fatal Blow. Get a blade with 4 slot and insert 4 Savage Babe card . Use Bash on a monster and it will normally get stunned.

Cheat Codes
While playing a game, enter one of the following commands in the chat window to activate the corresponding feature:

Result - Code:

Open today's tips - /tip
Toggle skill and casting effects - /effect
Toggle red miss indicator - /miss
Toggle fog effects - /fog
Auto attack enemies without [Ctrl] + click - /nc
Continue attacks; does not work on spells - /noctrl
Auto heal enemies (undead) without holding [Shift] - /ns
Show other control keys - /h (help)
Show number of players on same server - /w (who)
Show current location - /where
Lists blocked personal messages - /ex
Block personal messages from named players - /ex (character name)
Allow personal messages from named players - /in (character name)
Allow personal messages from everyone - /inall
Block personal messages from everyone - /exall
Kick player from your created party - /expel (character name)
Save current chat dialogue - /savechat
Save warp point; only with Warp Portal skill - /memo
Create a party - /organize (party name)
Create a Guild; must have Emperium item - /guild (guild name)
Disband Guild that you created - /gocp (guild name)
Leave current party - /leave
Turn camera focus on - /camera On
Turn camera focus off - /camera Off

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