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You're viewing Super Bomberman strategy Cheat Codes

Game Name : Super Bomberman strategy
System : SNES
Date Added : 2005-05-11 08:52:26
Views : 19938

Bombs everywhere
Run up to them and lay all your bombs near them. Have fun watching them try to get away!

The story
Bomberman lives in the peaceful town of Diamond City. Two of its most powerful citizens, Mr. Karat and Dr. Mukk, have joined forces to create the ultimate battle robot. They abduct Black Bomberman and adapt their imitation Bombermen after him. Barely escaping with his life, Black Bomberman makes it back to Diamond City to warn his fellow Bombermen.

White Bomberman joins him on his quest to stop Mr. Karat And Dr. Mukk from taking over Diamond City. These two warriors must overcome dozens of levels of monsters and robotic enemies by using their powers co-operatively (and avoiding each other's explosions).

The game
Level 1-1 4554 (2 Bombs, Fire)
Level 1-2 1504 (Skates, Bomb)
Level 1-3 4545 (Fire, Kick, Bomb)
Level 1-4 0513 (Skates, Protective Vest)
Level 1-5 2525 (Kick, Clock, Detonator)
Level 1-6 1563 (Wall Walker, Bomb)
Level 1-7 2533 (Life, Skates, Bomb)
Level 1-8 (See Below)

Level 2-1 6052 (Clock, Bomb, Protective Vest)
Level 2-2 2004 (Bomb Walker, Punch)
Level 2-3 1045 (Fire, Bomb, Detonator)
Level 2-4 4013 (Protective Vest, Wall Walker)
Level 2-5 7024 (Skates, Fire, Bomb)
Level 2-6 4062 (Kick, Punch)
Level 2-7 7035 (2 Skates, Bomb)
Level 2-8 (See Below)

Level 3-1 3452 (Red Bomb, Kick, Bomb)
Level 3-2 6404 (Punch, Protective Vest)
Level 3-3 5442 (2 Bombs, Golden Fire, Apple)
Level 3-4 0412 (Punch, Detonator, Hammer)
Level 3-5 5424 (2 Clocks, Life)
Level 3-6 6463 (Red Bomb, Bomb)
Level 3-7 2432 (Skates, Punch, Kick)
Level 3-8 (See Below)

Level 4-1 1155 (Fire, Bomb, Punch)
Level 4-2 2105 (Wall Walker, Protective Vest)
Level 4-3 1143 (Skates, Kick, Bomb)
Level 4-4 3115 (?, Bomb Walker, Fire)
Level 4-5 1122 (2 Clocks, Life)
Level 4-6 5165 (Red Bomb, Detonator)
Level 4-7 1134 (Punch, Bomb, Skates)
Level 4-8 (See Below)

Level 5-1 4253 White Bombermen
Level 5-2 7204 Black Bombermen
Level 5-3 2243 Blue Bombermen
Level 5-4 6213 Red Bombermen
Level 5-5 5225 Green Bombermen
Level 5-6 6262 Pink Bombermen
Level 5-7 2234 Purple Bombermen
Level 5-8 (See Below)(Green Bombermen)

Level 6-1 1653 (Wall Walker, Bomb, Fire)
Level 6-2 2603
Level 6-3 1642
Level 6-4 3613
Level 6-5 7623
Level 6-6 5663
Level 6-7 7632
Level 6-8 (See Below) Game strategy
Bomb technique
When you start, lay a bomb and get hit by the blast. Keep hitting A rapidly and you will blow up alot of things. Be sure to stop before your invincibility runs out or you'll blow up. Use this on the bosses to take off lots of hits.

Use this alot! The button is Y.

Trap em'
Try to trap the enemies. It's hard, but they always die.

Get one to follow you around the outside of the ring, when he drops a bomb, drop a bomb. If you are lucky, it will trap him.

Level 6-8
Kill the first guy by blowing it up when the eye is open. The next guy you must wait for punch to appear, then punch the bomb up into his cart. After 5 hits, you get to see a really stupid ending.

Battle mode strategy
Bomb stop
Push X to stop your kicked bomb in front of someone else. Great to surprise them. Kick a bomb at them, if they kick it back you can stop in front of them.

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