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You're viewing NFL Quarterback Club Cheat Codes

Game Name : NFL Quarterback Club
System : SNES
Date Added : 2005-03-13 05:21:12
Views : 23506

Return ball to your 30-yard line:
Attempt a two point conversion after scoring a touchdown. Immediately pause the game and use a time-out regardless of the result of the conversion. The game will resume with the ball at your 30-yard line.

Bonus teams:
Enter one of the following codes at the main menu. Select NFL play mode, and a pre-season game. Scroll through the available teams to choose the corresponding bonus team.

Jaguars and Panthers
Press Up, Down, X, Y, Left, Up, B, A, Down, Y.
AFC and NFC Pro teams
Press B, Up, Left, A, X, Right, Up, Right, Up, B.
Acclaim and Iguana teams
Press Y, A, X, Y, Down, B, Left, Y, Up, Right.
All bonus teams
Press X, Left, X, Left, B, A, B, Y, Down, A.

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