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You're viewing Dragon Ball Z : Hyper Dimension Cheat Codes

Game Name : Dragon Ball Z : Hyper Dimension
System : SNES
Date Added : 2005-01-30 03:53:19
Views : 24273

Kid Buu: Floater:
While in the air, press Back, Down, Forward + Punch. You can now control him in the air.

Hint: Majin Boo: Triple normal damage:
To inflict more damage with Majin Boo, just throw them into the air and fly directly below them. If you are quick and have enough time, do his Super Ki Blast (powers up a Ki Blast over his head and throws it). If successful your opponent will get hit with all three levels of the Ki Blast, causing an enemy with 400 life to go down to around 220 to 214 of life. This is more than most Desperation attacks.

Hint: Majin Boo: Eat attack:
Hold Down for two seconds then press Up + B. Majin Boo will shoot a kind of beam, change his enemy into a small ball, eat it, and spit it out. Note: You must stand close to your enemy.

Hint: Piccolo: Arm:
Press Back, Down, Forward and Punch before your opponent hits to see Piccolo's arm disappear then re-grow.

Hint: Piccolo: Desperation Attack:
When Piccolo's power bar is on 80 or less, or when you are playing on training, move Piccolo in front of his opponet. When it is safe to do a move, press Forward, Back, Down, Up + Y. Piccolo will do some attacks, grab his opponent ,throw him in the air, and finish off with five fire balls.

Hint: Piccolo: Combo:
Stand on front of your opponent. Press Y(2) then quickly press B. Piccolo will do two punches and a uppercut.

Hint: Vegeta: Desperation Attack:
When Vegeta's power bar is on 80 or less, or when you are playing on training, move Vegeta to your enemy until he can move the opponent across the screen. Then, hold Up. When Vegeta almost lands on the ground, quickly release Up and press Down + Y. Vegeta will pick up his, jump, throw the opponent on the ground, do over 10 Ki Blast, and finish off with his special Blast.

Hint: Vegeta: Descent combo:
Press Down, Forward, B. Vegeta should do a sliding Kick. While he is sliding, press Down, Forward, B. Repeat this four times. He should not continue the sliding kick, and will now be using different attacks. At the end of the fourth attack, press Forward, Down, Forward, B. He should do his Knee Slash Attack. If done correctly, it should take off about 100 Power. You can also keep pressing Down, Forward, B rapidly, and at the end press Forward, Down, Forward, B.

Stand next to your opponent, but do not hold Forward while punching or kicking. Kick your opponent, then Punch and press Down, Forward, B four times with timing. At the end of the fourth "Down, Forward, B", press Forward, Down, Forward, B for the Knee Slash Attack. This should bring down your opponent's power to around 239.

Hint: Desperation Attacks:
When your character's power bar is flashing red and yellow or when the power bar is on 80 or less, you could use your character's Desperation Attack.

Goku (anywhere): Press Back, Down, Forward, Up + Y.
Vegeta (in front of your enemy): Press Up, Down + Y.
Gotenks (anywhere): Press Forward, Back, Down, Forward + Y.
Gohan (anywhere): Press Forward, Down, Back, Forward + B.
Vegetto (in front of your enemy): Press Down, Back, Down, Forward + Y.
Piccolo (in front of your enemy): Press Forward, Back, Down, Up + Y.
Fat Buu (in front of your enemy): Press Down, Forward + Y + B.
Little Buu (close to your enemy): Press Back, Forward, Down, Up + Y.
Frieza (anywhere): Press Down, Back + Y + B.
Perfect Cell (anywhere): Press Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Forward + Y
Hint: Blasts:
When shooting a beam (i.e. Kamehameha), hold A after doing to combination (Down, Back, Forward, A) to make the blast bigger. The longer you hold A, the bigger the beam gets. Once it reaches maximum size, it will fire.

Hint: Skip character introductions:
Go to versus mode and choose your characters. Immediately and rapidly press A when they fade to black.

Hint: Third bonus battle:
Win every battle including Goku vs Vegeta, Vegeta vs Buu, Fat Buu vs Buu, and the bonus battles without using one Sensu Bean to fight Vegetto in a third bonus battle. This also will place him in the group picture at the end.

Hint: Faster game play (Emulator):
Note: This trick is for the ZSNES Windows emulator. If you have a slow and rough game play, go to "Input", then "Options", and click on "Enable Sound". Alternately, press [F5] right down to [F12] during game play.

Cell: Second Meteo:
Press Down, Down/Back, Back, Up/Back, Up, Up/Forward, Forward, Y.

Gohan: Test Of Strength mode:
Successfully complete the game without using a Sensu Bean. After the Buu Saga, you will fight Gotenks (Test of Strength), Goku (Test of Will), and Vegetto (Ultimate Test of Courage).

Freeza: Planet Destroyer Bomb:
Press Down, Back, Up + Y + B.

Goku: Spinning Wheel Kick:
Press Down, Back + Kick. Goku will leap with both legs in the air and land both kicks on your opponent.

Gohan: Many kicks to the head:
Jump up, then while in the air, press Forward, Down + Kick.

Special attacks:
To do any character's special attack (not desperation) such as the Gallet Gun or Kamehameha, press Down, Back, Forward, Fireball. Note: You will lose 10 HP.

Chamber: Attack from background:
Hold R and press the Kick (or L and + Kick, depending on which side you are on).

Additionally, If you Punch or Kick at the same time (on the ground), you will engage in a mini-battle. If you are fast enough to hit the fireball key immediately after it is over, then you will do you special Fireball Blast. If you are up in the air (background) and you do the same thing, then one of the characters will go in the background and one will remain. If you are in the background, use X and Y to dodge. If you are in the foreground, use A and B. When you are up in the air, the goal is to hit the same button your opponent.

Gotenks: Wound Up Punch:
As you are fighting a character as Gotenks, (anywhere in the level) press Down, Back, Down, Forward + Y. This may be difficult to execute. As a reminder, if you are doing Flying Head Butts while attempting this move, you are just pressing Down and Forward + Y. If done correctly, Gotenks's arm is wound up then punches into an uppercut.

Hint: Gotenks: Rensukou Energy Dan:
Press Down, Forward, Down, Forward + Fireball. If your opponent is hit with all eleven fireballs, this will do about 110 HP damage.

Goku: Double Rushing Punch:
Press Down, Forward + Punch. Goku will roll forward delivering a single jab followed by an enormous uppercut which knocks the opponent into the air. This is a great attack. When the opponent is in the air you can do it again to double the damage.

Goku: Teleport to the enemy:
Press Down/Back, Down/Back, Y and Goku will use Instant Transmission to teleport to the enemy.

Press Back, Down, Back + Punch or Kick. When using Punch, it will throw Goku forward toward the enemy. Pressing Kick throws him away from the enemy. This is great for countering and starting attacks. For example, if the enemy is coming towards you attacking at full force, just hold Block (Back) then quickly release and press Down, Back + Punch when you are behind them do whatever you want.

Goku: Large Fireball:
Press Forward, Back, Forward + Fireball. This is not really a good attack. You will also lose 5 HP.

Cell: Junior attacks:
Press Back, Forward, Back, Forward + Kick.

Goku: Double Kick:
Get close to your enemy, then hold Left and press B(2).

Gohan: Jet Kick:
Hold Down for two seconds, then press Up and B. Gohan will do a Jet Kick.

Gohan: Defeating Vegetto:
Jump diagonally towards him, press Down/Forward, B and Gohan should kick him in the head. Vegetto will fall back. Use your level three Down, Back, Forward, Y attack as often as you can. Veggeto will shoot an energy ball every time he gets up. Blast him with your Ki attack before he shoots you (charge while he is down). Using this technique, you can take him from 900 to 446 life. After he is tired of getting blown apart, he will attack. Start punching him until he is cornered, then jump towards him and keep punching. Repeat until you win. Note: If done and timed correctly, you can defeat him and only suffer the damage you received from your Ki attack.

Goku: Combos:
Enter training mode before you go to vs. or story mode. Go somewhere close to your enemy and press Down, Back, B. Goku should do spinning kicks in the air. After Goku lands on the ground, quickly press Down, Forward, Y. Goku should then do two uppercuts. This move should knock your enemy off the ground and into the air. While your enemy is still in the air and is going to land on the ground, quickly hold Forward and press B. Goku should then do two kicks knocking your enemy (still on the air) going up once more. When your enemy is about to land on the ground, finish of with Down, Forward, X. If timed correctly, Goku should do a Knee Bash in the air hitting your enemy for the final time. If all moves hit, your enemy's power bar will drop over 100 power.

Stand next to your opponent and Punch him two times, then Kick once. After kicking, press Down, Forward, Y. Your opponent should be knocked into the air. Press Forward + B. Goku should use a Double Kick. After that, use a Level 2 Super Ki Blast or the 45 Degree Ki Blast (Back, Down, Forward, A) before your opponent falls to the ground. This should bring your opponent's power to around 228.

Press Down, Back + Kick when he lands. Quickly press Down, Forward + Punch. Keep holding Forward and when your opponent is up in the air, release Forward and quickly press Down, Forward + Kick (keep holding Forward). Once he lands, release Forward and press Down, Forward + Kick again.

Go close to your opponent. Press Down + Kick. Once your opponent is hit, quickly press Down, Back + Kick. As soon as Goku lands, quickly press Down, Forward + Punch (and keep Forward held). Once he has finished, quickly release Forward and press Down, Forward + Kick (and keep Forward held). Once Goku lands, release Forward and press Down, Forward + Kick again. If everything lands, it should do about 100 to 130 or more damage.

Goku: Crazy Legs Attack:
Press Back, Down, Forward + Kick. Goku will throw a flurry of four kicks in a row.

Super blast:
Press Down, Down/Back, Back, Forward, A.

Gotenks: Player two controlled:
When you are fighting Gotenks in the first bonus battle, let him do his Desperation attack on you. If you survive, Gotenks will become controlled by player two, allowing you to do whatever you want with him.

Gotenks: Desperation Attack:
When Gotenks'spower bar is on 80 or less, or when you are playing on training, move Gotenks anywhere and press Forward, Back, Down, Forward + Y. Gotenks will shoot a beam at his opponent, turn him into a ball, and bash that ball all over the screen.

Goku: Desperation attack:
Your HP has to be below 80. Press Back, Down, Forward + Punch. Get into a rhythm to do this effectively. Note: Try it in practice or training mode first, because your HP does not have to be below 80 there.

Gotenks: Combo:
Jump and kick your enemy when you are still in the air. Then, quickly press Down, Forward, Y. If done correctly, Gotenks should hit his enemy with his head.

Fat Buu: Energy shield:
Press Left, Down, Right + A and Buu will make an energy shield. Opponent's Kamehameha, normal attacks, and normal blasts will be repelled. The energy shield will work for five seconds.

Goku: Defeating Fat Buu:
When you use Goku to fight Fat Buu in story mode (in the air), hold Back. When Buu approaches you. press Down, Back + Throw to knock him onto the ground. Then, keep using the Kamehameha to finish him quickly.

Goku: Raising Knee Lift:
Press Forward, Down, Forward + Kick. This is another great attack that knocks your opponent into the air. If you continue to hold Down after the first time when Goku lands, release it and quickly press Down, Forward + Kick or Punch to juggle your opponent in the air longer.

Goku: Slash Kick:
While in the air, press Forward, Down + Kick. Goku will stop in mid-air then swoop down with a single heavy kick. This is a great attack for opponents that jump.

Shoot a fireball into the air:
Press Back, Down, Forward + A. To do this with Goku, press B instead of A. Goku will do a Spinning Kick towards the enemy.

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