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You're viewing Combatribes The Silent Mission Cheat Codes

Game Name : Combatribes The Silent Mission
System : SNES
Date Added : 2005-02-10 08:04:00
Views : 22771

Thirty credits:
Hold L + R + Select on controller two and reset the game. Release the buttons at the title screen. The credits may now be set to a maximum of thirty from the options screen.

Five round match:
Hold X + Y on controller two and reset the game. Release the buttons at the title screen. Vs. mode matches will now consist of five rounds instead of three.

Vs. mode passwords:
Enter one of the following passwords to access different fighters:


Extra lifeline:
Hold Up + L + R one controller two and reset the game. Keep those buttons held as the game restarts. Use controller one to begin the game, then release the buttons on controller two.

One round match:
Hold A + B on controller two and reset the game. Release the buttons at the title screen. Each match will consist of one round instead of three.

Ten credits:
Hold X + A + L on controller two and reset the game. Release the buttons at the title screen. The game will default to ten credits instead of three.

Play as Bosses:
Enter 9207 as a password.

Super hard difficulty level:
Hold A + B + L + R on controller two and reset the game. Release the buttons at the title screen. The difficulty level may now be set to "Super" from the options screen.

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