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You're viewing Samurai Showdown III : Blades of Blood Cheat Codes

Game Name : Samurai Showdown III : Blades of Blood
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2005-03-22 13:30:42
Views : 24874

Easy Special When your special meter is full, press L2 and R2 at the same
time to execute your special automatically. Note: If the screen says "Times 2" then press those buttons twice. Play as Zankuro Here is a way to play as the hidden boss Zankuro! To select
him, choose Vs. Mode and go to the Character Select Screen.
Hold down the Start button and highlight the following
characters in order: If you're player 1, you should already
be on Haohmaru, and then go to Genjuro, Basara, Kyoshiro,
Ukyo, Rimruru, Haohmaru, Shizumaru, Nakoruru, Hanzo, Amakusa,
Gaira, Galford and then Shizumaru. Keep holding Start and
then press X and Circle at the same time. If done correctly,
Zankuro will appear as a selectable character.

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