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You're viewing SimCity 2000 Cheat Codes

Game Name : SimCity 2000
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-06-10 23:38:36
Views : 21206

Cheat Codes (DOS version)
While playing a game, type one of the following codes. Note: Some codes are version specific and may not work as stated.

Extra money
Start a new city and type "fund" to issue a bond at 25% interest. Select the "Yes" option to confirm. Repeat this step to issue a second bond. Then, enter the budget window and issue a real bond. The interest should now be displayed as ".%". Select the "Yes" option to confirm. Your city should now receive approximately $1 million per a year. While playing a game, press [Ctrl] + [F3]. Then, click on the "Rotate Counterclockwise" icon. Click on the resize box in the lower right corner of City Window. Click on the status window. Click on the "Population" icon. Click anywhere in the city window. Pull down the "Disasters" menu and select the horizontal line between "Riots" and "No Disasters". Shoot down helicopter (DOS and Windows versions)
Click on the centering tool, then click on the helicopter.

Cheat Codes (Windows version)
While playing a game, click and hold on the Toolbar and type one of the following codes: CHEAT CODE RESULT
oivaizmir - Debug menu
buddamus - $500,000 and all rewards
torg - $1 million income per year
joke - Pirate Squid Club picture
mrsoleary - Start a fire
noah - Start a flood
moses - Stop a flood
gomorrah - Start a nuclear disaster
gilmartin - Receive a military base
damn, darn, or heck - Residential areas rezoned to churches
cass - Gain $250 (85%) or disaster (15%) [Note]
Note: Using the "Gain $250" code more than twice in a year may result in a fire.

Cheat Codes (Windows 95 version)
While playing a game, type one of the following codes: CHEAT CODE RESULT
priscilla - Debug menu
imacheat - $500,000, all rewards
fund - $10,000 bond at 25% interest
joke - Pirate Squid Club picture
noah - Start a flood
gilmartin - Receive a military base
cass - Gain $250 (85%) or disaster (15%) [Note]
Note: Using the "Gain $250" code more than twice in a year may result in a fire.

vers - Display version
memy - Memory check
test - Memory test
joke - Pirate Squid Club picture
damn, darn, or heck - Residential areas rezoned to churches
porn - Lose $3,000
cass - Gain $250 (85%) or disaster (15%) [Note]
Note: Using the "Gain $250" code more than twice in a year may result in a fire.

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