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You're viewing Privateer Cheat Codes

Game Name : Privateer
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-04-21 18:10:39
Views : 28193

  1.) begin a new game and buy some stuff to a certain amount of credits, eg: 1596cr, 2000 is too usual. Now save the game and go into debug at the privater dir prompt. 2.) You want to look for the hexidecimal number that equals to the credit amount you have. ie: 1596 = 06 3c, but you must flip the numbers like so 06 3c = 3c 06. Search the save file for this string. Once you get to it do the following. (you can find the string you want in at 0:400) Type: ecs:0400 Then hit the space bar until you get to the first set of numbers in the string you are looking for. it will look like this 3c., space again and at the second set of numbers type 06.ff (type ff after the period) Then space again, and after the third set of numbers enter 7f after the period. When you are done, press enter to end the edit and then type "w" to write. this will automatically change your string. When you are done with this type "q" and start the game over and enjoy you new life as a filthy rich privateer!! :-) Just a note, this got me over 8 million credits, more than enough to buy the best the game has to offer in ways of ships, weapons and such. I hope this helps for those needing a little edge in this game!

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