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You're viewing Grand Prix 4 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Grand Prix 4
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-04-09 15:19:03
Views : 25232

Faster 3-wheeled driving
When your car is damaged in an accident and a wheel comes off the car, (works better when it is a front wheel) switch off the traction control when limping back to the pits. Although the car will be harder to control you will reach the pits much faster and shave a vital half a minute off your lost time due to the damage.

Safer starts
If you are on a difficulty level where jump-starts are activated, to lessen the risk of jumping the start and receiving a penalty:

1. When your car is waiting on the grid, set the car to neutral.

2. Press F2 to switch off auto-gears (if you are using them. If not, this tip is not of any use to you)

3. When all five lights are on, rev the accelerator (the car will not move)

4. When all the lights go off to start, press F2 again to switch on auto-gears, and your car will auto-change to 1st and you will be on your way! Through personal experience the start seems faster this way too.

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