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You're viewing Goosebumps : Esacape From Horrorland Cheat Codes

Game Name : Goosebumps : Esacape From Horrorland
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-03-28 03:33:19
Views : 23903

Find the hammer in the garbage cans at Horrorland Plaza.
Return to Werewolf Village, and go to the wheels that
control the fire. Use the hammer on the "worm" to play a
"Hit the Gopher" type game. Hint: Entering the blood bank:
Enter the werewolf's house and look in the bedroom.
Examine the credit card in his wallet. Go to the vampire
village and approach the gate where Dracula lives.
Turn around to find the blood bank. Enter the four
numbers from the werewolf's credit card to enter.

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