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You're viewing Ring King Cheat Codes

Game Name : Ring King
System : NES
Date Added : 2005-04-11 10:30:53
Views : 34351

Enter the "Training Gym" screen. Press A on controller two, A, Select, A on controller one, B on controller two, Select on controller one, A, B on controller two, and B(2) on controller one.

Final match:
Enter 92E8X2B6H2906A7XKC44S9 as a password.

Super password:
Enter SLAYER 1 as a name (by changing the P to an S) and enter ATTC75T4E4F as your password. You will have 99 energy and can enter training, ranking, tournament, player vs. player modes.

Faster energy recovery:
Use a controller with an auto-fire feature to reenergize quicker between rounds.

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