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You're viewing RBI Baseball 3 Cheat Codes

Game Name : RBI Baseball 3
System : NES
Date Added : 2005-04-30 09:35:51
Views : 16891

Play as San Francisco:
Enter OGRTHUPJ4 as a password.

Play as Atlanta:
Enter B9JLJWHT4 as a password.

Play as Oakland:
Enter H1HVPOJJ4 as a password.

Teams of 1990 Codes
Yankees	      G579LS5M4   Seattle     2OKQD46L4
Atlanta	      9B9FPMBI4   St.Louis    G7BDHU9G4
Baltimore     RSOMA5Q94   Texas	      NFD3VIFT4
Cincinnati    44PVPMBM4   Toronto     U7F1NQDU4
Cleveland     IR684BK74   Boston      NKQK2DOT4
Houston	      7DVPLQD54   Whitesox    CARLJU9P4
Los Angeles   RL6Z7C4O4   Oakland     UGTJUHVD4
Milwaukee     4LC2A5Q94   Minnesota   86NPKRL64
Montreal      54PVPMBM4   National    7UIK7C404
Cubs	      8B9FPMBI4   American    R15BSJN74
Philadelphia  3EJLJW1S4   Kansas City 5D5BTK764
Pittsburgh    9SOU85Q74   Mets 	      GRE849S24
California    JJOMB6AH4   Detroit     TIISZFGH4
San Diego     8SOU85Q74   
San Francisco M2JLIVHS4
Submitted By: John

Codes of Division Champs
1983                       1984
Philadelphia  7UIK7C403    Detroit     G579LS5M3 
Los Angeles   BHGMB82V3    Kansas City 2OKQD46L3
Whitesox      NFD3VIFT3    Cubs	       DSUO5AC63
Baltimore     U7F1NQDU3    San Diego   M2JLIVHS3

1985                       1986
Los Angeles   9R8E96AN3    Boston      TIISZFGH3
St.Louis      9SOU85Q73    California  86NPKRL63
Kansas City   UGTJUHVC3    Mets	       3EJLJW1S3
Toronto	      4LC2A5Q93    Houston     RL6Z7C4O3

1987                       1988
San Francisco 7DVPLQD53    Boston      NKQK2DOT3
St.Louis      GRE849S23    Oakland     CARLJU9P3
Minnesota     5D5BTK763    Mets        54PVPMBM3
Detroit	      IR684BK73    Los Angeles 44PVPMBM3

1989                       Other Tengen Codes
Cubs	      8B9FPMBI3    Oakland 89	  TT8675QF3
San Francisco 9B9FPMBI3    Cincinnati 90  53PVPMBM4
Oakland	      JJOMB6AH3    Los Angeles 88 Z8LJVK7Q3
Toronto	      RSOMA5Q93    Houston 86	  1FJLJW1S3
                           Seattle 90	  G679LS5M4
                           San Diego 90	  9R8E96AN4
                           St.Louis 85    8R8E96AN3
                           California 90  TT8675QF4
Submitted By: John

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