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You're viewing Knight Rider Cheat Codes

Game Name : Knight Rider
System : NES
Date Added : 2005-06-01 13:50:56
Views : 24650

Boss battle, weapon select:
Press Start to pause game play. Then, hold Up/Left + A + B and press Select to change weapons. Press Start to resume game play at the Boss of the current level.

Secret message:
Hold Select + Start and power on the NES.

Level select:
Hold A + B, press reset, release both buttons, then choose the "Mission" or "Drive" option. Press Up or Down when Devon appears to select the starting level. Press Start to begin game play at the selected level.

Super car:
Successfully complete all levels in driving mode at least three times. After returning to the menu screen, select mission mode. You car will be equipped with all missiles, lasers, full engine speed, and other bonuses.

Desert Battle level:
Enter NSMRNQIUKRISD as a password.

View ending sequence:
Hold Select and reset the NES.

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