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You're viewing Quake III : Arena Cheat Codes

Game Name : Quake III : Arena
System : Macintosh
Date Added : 2005-06-15 14:02:35
Views : 25290

Enable automatic weapons
Type “seta cg_autoswitch 1” at the console window.

Take screenshots

Press [F11] during game to take a picture of the screen. (Note: Screenshots are in packaged in target format (.TGA) and are placed in the baseq3/screenshots folder. Open files in a graphics program to view screenshots.

Select level
Enter “map code” at the console window, where code is the name of a level. Map Code
00: Introduction q3dm0
01: Arena Gate q3dm1
02: House of Pain q3dm2
03: Arena of Death q3dm3
04: The Place of Many Deaths q3dm4
05: The Forgotten Place q3dm5
06: The Camping Grounds q3dm6
07: Temple of Retribution q3dm7
08: Brimstone Abbey q3dm8
09: Hero’s Keep q3dm9
10: The Nameless Place q3dm10
11: Deva Station q3dm11
12: The Dredwerkz q3dm12
13: Lost World q3dm13
14: Grim Dungeons q3dm14
15: Demon Keep q3dm15
16: The Bouncy Map q3dm16
17: The Longest Yard q3dm17
18: Space Chamber q3dm18
19: Apocalypse Void q3dm19 Tournament Map Code
01: Power Station 0218 q3tourney1
02: The Proving Grounds q3tourney2
03: Hell’s Gate q3tourney3
04: Vertical Vengeance q3tourney4
05: Fatal Instinct q3tourney5
06: The Very End of You q3tourney6 Boss Map Code
01: Dueling Keeps q3ctf1
02: Troubled Waters q3ctf2
03: The Stronghold q3ctf3
04: Space CTF q3ctf4 Secret Levels Map Code
--- test box

Disable automatic weapons
Type “seta cg_autoswitch 0” at the console window.

Third person perspective
Type “/cg_thirdperson 1” at the console window. (Note: Crosshairs are disabled in third-person view.)

Display console window
Press the tilde key [~] to display the console window.

View keyboard commands
Push [Tab] at the console window to view the list of available commands.

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