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You're viewing Mega Man Battle Network 2 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Mega Man Battle Network 2
System : GameBoy Advance
Date Added : 2005-04-17 00:54:27
Views : 27504

Removing panels
When you get into a battle and there are panels that move you up and down, wait until the chip selector appears. If Repair is in your deck, use it and it will take away the panels that move you up and down.

Transparent Mega Man
Go to a panel in Kotobuki, Yumland, or Undernet and slide on the arrow panels. Walk back into the panels. Note: It should not t let you through. This will make two Mega Man bodies appear; if not, just two faces.

Easy S-busting level
A very good way to get an S busting level is to use Advances. It seems necessary for some Bosses such as Bass. Some good ones are: Life Srd 3 (line up Elec, Heat, and aqua Blades. Buy them or get them from Green Mystery Data in WWW area 1); Arrows (Double, Triple, and Quad Needle); and Ultra bomb (Lil, Cros, and Big Bombs).

A license: Bad Navi locations
The first Navi is in the abandoned toy by the dome thing in the park. The second Navi is in the chalk board in the park. The last Navi is in DEX's linked up Game Boys in his house. Note: They are all purple Navis.

Hidden power-ups
In the Mother Computer, there is a power-up next to her brain and to the right.

Go to the Mother Computer room after you defeat ShadowMan. Find the first server (the one you cannot jack into). Walk up to it near the right side and press [A]. A program will talk to you and give you a power-up.

There is a hidden HPMemory that can be found by going to the apartment. Go to floor 9. Go to the left door. There is an HPMemory on top of the door.

Gamecube logo:
After defeating Shadowman, reenter the main mother computer. Go to the back of the computer. Stand in front of the "mother computer main server", where Shadowman was standing before you fought him. Slowly go to Megaman's right. Upon a stack of cubes with purple, squiggly lines on them will be the Gamecube logo.

Shadow Wide Sword
If you have any type of Shadow Chip and already upgraded the charge in your Mega Man profile, equip the Shadow Chip during battle and charge your Blaster while you are in shadow mode. When the charge is ready, release [A] and you will immediately transport to the enemy panels. The closest enemy to you will be hit with the Shadow Wide Sword, as well as anyone else in a vertical angle. The damage is the same from your Blaster when charged.

SS license
After you get the S license, "Delete Gospel", and "Star ID", go through the Undernet to where the laser grid with the "?" on it was located. Check it and it will open. The portal will then take you directly to the WWW area 1. Go through with your S license in hand, but be careful. Once you are inside the WWW you cannot jack out. Once through, you will see many new enemies and some are very difficult to kill. Just run from or kill them and use Full-Enrgs. Go as far as you can through WWW in area 1. Do not go into area 2, no matter what. You will find a cube requiring an S license to open. There are still more obstacles, Before going through the portal there, you will encounter three Protecto1s. To delete these you will have to do 200 damage to all of them at once. Once they are gone, go through the portal and unlock the "Mystery Data". It is army data. Jack out at this point and save the game. Jack back in again and go to the License Examiner. You can now take the test.

In order to take the SS license test, you need Star ID. Defeat Gospel and you need army data.

Get a TeamStyle and load in all of the NaviChips you can. Then if you get a new style, you will overwrite the one that you were using and the NaviChips will still be there. Note: Do not change styles again if you wish to do this forever.

Defeating Gutsman:
During your battle with him, move Mega Man to one of the front squares. When you do this, Gutsman will approach to punch you. Dodge the punch by moving sideways, then immediately move back to the original location and hit him with a chip. He will now move to a different square, then return to hit you again. When this happens, do the same thing again. When you run out of chips, charge your Megabuster and hit him with it. Note: This strategy will only work with a Guts-style Mega Man.

SSS license
Set either an Invis chip with a * code as your default chip, and make sure you have the chip ZeusHamr. In most of the battles, this will kill all the enemies. It can break through Guard; it even works on Hardheads. Note: make sure that if there is a Cloudy or a Flappy that you do not use ZeusHamr until after they land or else it will not hit them.

In-game reset
Press Start + Select + A + B during game play. This can be put to good use when you are in Undernet 5 and are trying to get the 50,000 Zenny. Stand next to the ruby, and if it is not the Zenny, use the in-game rest until you get it.


Best Chip Trader
The best Chip Trader is the one in the ACDC Town Metroline.

Element styles
The Element of the type of chips you use depends on what style you get first. For example, Fire Chips for Fire Element, Water Chips for Water Element, etc.

Black Navi locations

Black Navi 1: Underkoto
Black Navi 2: Undernet area 6
Black Navi 3: Netarea 2
Black Navi 4: Yumland area 2

Shadow Wide Sword:
If you have any type of Shadow Chip and already upgraded the charge in your Mega Man profile, equip the Shadow Chip during battle and charge your Blaster while you are in shadow mode. When the charge is ready, release A and you will immediately transport to the enemy panels. The closest enemy to you will be hit with the Shadow Wide Sword, as well as anyone else in a vertical angle. The damage is the same from your Blaster when charged.

Blocking Fishys
Whenever you fight a Fishy (V1 V2 or V3), use a chip that sets up an obstacle (Remobit, Guardian, etc.) and put it in front of you. The Fishys cannot go through these obstacles. This is useful for buying time to get chips or P.A. in the exams.

WWW area
Successfully complete the game to unlock the WWW area. Go to Ula Internet area 4 and look for a glowing red warp. Enter it to access the WWW area. Note: You cannot exit once you enter, so saving the game is recommended.

To enter the WWW Area behind the mysterious gate in Undernet 4, you do not not need a Star ID or a SS license or higher. All you need is to have done is to fight 130 different viruses. Note: You do not need to actually defeat the viruses, you only have to see them. After that you can run, if desired.

Third folder
Defeat Shadowman and Freezeman. Then, go to the Mother Computer area. Go to the second mini-computer (the first one you jack into). There will be a girl there that wants a Bigbomb Star. Give one to her and she will give you a Program Advance Folder. Note: It does not contain every Chip for every Program Advance.

Best regular chip
The chip FstGauge *, which can be bought from the merchant in UnderKoto, is the best choice for a regular chip. It doubles the speed of your CustomGauge, allowing you to utilize your chips faster. Since its code is *, you can still use other chips on the first turn.

Navi Chip codes
The code at the bottom of a Navi chip is its name in Japanese. For example, Bass is named Forte and his code is F. Protoman is named Blues and his symbol is B.

Battle Pharaohman:
After completing the game, go to the WWW area from the Undernet. Unlock the security cubes with a S license lock and you will get to Pharaohman. This battle is similar to the fight with Thunderman. He has two coffins that will do most of the attacking for him, but he does not attack very often. When he does, he will put a switch on the battlefield that activates a trap. For this battle, chips like Stepsword and Cannonball work very well, but the coffins act like shields and can block chips such as Cannon very easily. Pharaohman has 1200 hp.

Hard mode:
Successfully complete the game with all five stars. Highlight the "New Game" option at the title screen, then press Left(2), Right, Left, Right, Left, Right(2). The ''New Game'' option will turn orange to confirm correct code entry. Select that option and the "Netbattle" option will not longer be available. Save the game, then restart. A "Hard Mode" option will now be unlocked under the ''New Game'' and ''Continue'' options.

Guard breaking chips
The following are chips that can break through Guard: Magnetman and ZeusHamr.

Defeating Gateman:
If you have the style Fireguts, charge your attack by holding A then release it. Even if he has used Remo Gate, the flames will pass right through, and if aimed correctly, will hit him regardless. The flames also destroy his soldiers easily.

Using Lavadragan, Godstone, and Oldwood
To use them, stand behind any square that you cannot step on. Then use it so that the ball or light goes into the hole. It will freeze time and attack.

Note: OldWood is stronger if on a Grass stage. If you are on a Grass stage and there is a hole (for Oldwood to be summoned), it will give out 440 damage.

WWW area:
Successfully complete the game to unlock the WWW area. Go to Ula Internet area 4 and look for a glowing red warp. Enter it to access the WWW area. Note: You cannot exit once you enter, so saving the game is recommended.

Easy V3 chips
When battling a V3 Navi, dodge all of his attacks and defeat him quickly. For better results you should use some Advances.

Using Slasher
Hold A and if an enemy comes in front of you, they will get hit.

Double damage from Magnet Man chip
If you want to score an extra hit when using a Magnet Man chip, move next to your target on its row. Use the chip, and two Magnetmen (red and blue) should appear on either edge of the screen. They will do their flying shoulder ram and do double damage to the target virus.

Strong Gateman
When you are in battle, select any Gateman chip and use Attack +40. If you have Gateman V3, he will cause 200 extra damage because every warrior he shoots out is powered up with the equip. Every warrior normally has 40 attack, but will now have 80.

The Gateman advance "Gater", when coupled with a few attack+40s can deal well over 1200 damage to all opponents on the field. The advance in this order: Wind G (or*), Fan G, Gateman v1,2,or 3.

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