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You're viewing Need for Speed Cheat Codes

Game Name : Need for Speed
System : 3DO
Date Added : 2005-01-30 14:32:19
Views : 26763

Blow Up Surrounding Traffic
Start a race against the computer. When the Loading screen appears, press and hold L, R, and Left on the directional pad. At the starting line, press Pause and quit the game. Start the game again. At the Loading screen, press and hold L, R, and Up. At the starting line, pause and quit the game again. Start the game a third time. At the Loading screen, press and hold L, R, and Right. Pause at the starting line and quit the game again. Start the game a final time. At the Loading screen, press and hold L, R, and Down. This time, don't quit the game when you're at the starting line. Release the buttons and start racing. Whenever traffic is in front of you, press Button X (the stop button), and the other cars will flip in the air as if they've been in an accident!

Practice Mode
Highlight DIFFICULTY on the Options screen, then quickly press and hold X, RS, LS, A. When you race there will be no cars on the road.

Race Against Rocket Scooter
Play a game for at least 10 seconds. Go into the replay and rewind to the beginning of the replay buffer. Press R + Down + B on controller 2. Quit your race and start a new one to race against a rocket powered scooter.

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